The California Legislative Black Caucus is sharing the latest draft of the 2022 Revision of California’s K-12 Mathematics Framework. It is now posted online for a Second Public Field Review at: Mathematics Framework - Mathematics (CA Dept of Education)
California is committed to achieving excellence in math teaching and learning through curriculum and instructional approaches grounded in research and reflective of best practices across the globe. California’s framework is designed to give more students the opportunity to be successful performing the highest levels of math – including calculus and statistics – so they graduate with the option to pursue a STEM college major and enter the STEM workforce or to pursue other careers that benefit from quantitative knowledge and reasoning. The goal is excellence and equity in math learning.
California is also committed to an inclusive and transparent framework development process. The revised draft mathematics curriculum framework posted today is responsive to the hundreds of California parents, educators, students and others who provided important input during the first 60-day field review period and during the May 2021 Instructional Quality Commission (IQC) meeting. The revised framework addresses the ways in which the curriculum can be differentiated for all students, including high-achievers as well as those who may need additional supports along the way, and the ways in which more students can be supported to excel, reaching calculus, statistics, and other higher-level math courses with deeper understanding. The revision includes learning progressions that help educators see how to move their students along systematically in their cumulative understanding; it also includes a new chapter on number sense and data science -- a growing STEM employment field -- and updated guidance on assessment, access and equity and supporting high-quality mathematics instruction, including uses of technology for learning.
This new draft of the 2022 revision of California’s K-12 Mathematics Framework will be posted for 60 days, with comments accepted through May 16, 2022 from all interested parties that wish to provide feedback that will be read, logged and shared with the State Board of Education.